
Mental Mediumship and development in Deep Trance
I am a professional dancer and teacher with a masters degree in dance education. In my life and in my work I look for that moment when the heart expresses itself through people.
At this time my focus in mediumship is diverse. One aspect is deep trance working with my team in the spiritual world. The other aspect is my mental mediumship in form of private readings, seminars and public demonstrations worldwide.
My focus for now and in the future is bringing the two worlds together mostly through private sittings, and to help people to overcome bereavement and give guidence from the spiritual world on lifestyle issues.
My ongoing interest is in the education of both mediums and clients towards understanding how they can interact with their spiritual world through seminars both in switzerland and beyond.
I am working mediumistically for over 10 years now and I am the president and co-founder from the Swiss Spiritualist Church and the vice president of the "SPG" Schweizer Parapsychologische Gesellschaft.